
Ekim, 2018 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Technology is everythink . Technology in every part of our lives but technology is usefull and harmfull . You have a important work and you search the internet . This is usefull . You want play game and you playing for a long hour . This is harmfull because you looking for screen and your eyes have a big health problem . I tell the oder think . Big phone mark is take the new phone every year . People buy because example one people see the friends and friends a buy a new phone and people emulate to friends . And this problem is phone cycle . Okey I don’t say you don’t buy a phone . I say your old phone life is 1-2 year maybe . Not 1 month . İn short ı say : You don’t back stay for technology but you won’t be dependent .

Advice To Maria

Hi. Some people shy to people . Maria is one of them . Maria has a project and she so nervous . And we give advice to Maria . 1- She must be calm and she is so relax . 2- I think she shoul tell to be alone because ıf she is a shy . This advice is so usefull . 3- She must be smile 4- First ı think she ask question to a projeckt because ı think takrir other people thinks. 5- She shoul presentation it like a teacher . 6- She should speak is slowly . 7- Finally she says thank you listen and watch me.

This Environment Is All Of Us

I tell you big problem . This problem is environment . I ask you : What is the environment ? Peoples living area . Not only people animal , flowers , tree many vital . But nobody cares environment . If people care environment is clean . When we get up in the morning .We go to the starbucks and another cafe or shop . We eat cake and drink coffe . We throw the ground their garbage . But we walk on the street we see garbage bucket and we ı’m sorry ı say this word we are silly because wee see them but not throw garbage bucket . We don’t know we do bad thinks . But we damage another vital. If you know do it mistake you can fix wrong. I tell you how we do reduce the environment pollution . Wee see one people pollution the environment we warn the people. We wear net on the fabric chimmneys . We don’t throw rubbish on the ground . We don’t smoking in the closed areas . We have plant the flowers . We should use solar energy . We should use municipal bus . If you will do it this activites .